Being Spiritual in Troubled Times

No question we are living in troubled times. My heart is heavy and I’m finding it hard to sleep. Forgiveness, holding space and being ‘of the Light’ are capacities we can develop in the quest to be ‘more enlightened’ or more spiritual, to help us sustain our hearts in this time.

Let me first define these terms and then I’ll look at the issue of what makes us a more spiritual, whole person. Below I offer questions for inner work.

Forgiveness is when you make a conscious decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward someone who has harmed you–regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. It is important to remember that forgiving a person does not mean to condone or excuse the act of harm. Forgiveness does not mean that all is now well in the relationship with the person who harmed you. Forgiveness allows you to move on without anger or contempt. It lets you reclaim your personal power and therefore, balance. It allows you to see the person in addition to the behavior.

Holding space for someone means to witness someone’s journey without judgment and without needing something in return. Holding space can allow you to practice empathy and compassion. It basically is showing up for someone without making it about you.

Being ‘of the light’ means doing things that feel peaceful, surrendering control, trusting your inner guidance/wisdom, and embracing your best expression. This allows you to not take other’s behaviors personally and brings these qualities to places that are dark, hurting, divided by conflict or war, or attempting to control or judge others.


Qualities the World Needs Now

So, being human, what are the qualities of a more spiritual person?  I believe they include humility, clarity, and compassion.

Humility includes the act of being present to the situation or person before you, instead of going into ego. Humility is the part of you that becomes capable of holding space and being of the light. Humility can come from a place of poor self-esteem, which looks like putting others before you at all costs. But I’m talking about the humility that comes from walking through the fires of self-growth. Healthy humility holds a higher awareness that all around you is not about you but gives you the opportunity to be and do better.

Clarity also comes from doing one’s personal growth work. It is the growth that allows one to see from a different vantage point. Instead of looking through the personality self, your own wounds, disappointments and frustrations, it becomes possible to see greater meaning, symbolism and possibilities available in the different ways of responding to people and situations.

Compassion is unconditional acceptance of others and of the challenges we face, understanding we are each individual expressions of growth and the unfolding of a greater plan. Compassion is without judgment of individuals. This does not mean one doesn’t express judgment. Even spiritual people can see divine right and wrong. But seeing them through the eyes of compassion allows the individual to work toward a greater good, Divine Justice, and Social Balance, rather than through punishment.

Each of these attributes can be carried as false flags. I can forgive you but dismiss you at the same time if I don’t personalize the challenge. I can hold space for you but be doing it to elevate your opinion of me, or of how others see me. I can proclaim that I am spiritual and ‘of the light’, but avoid owning my deeper truths and walking through the discomfort of growth work. I can claim humility but not take responsibility for (or give up) my own path, power and identity. I can claim my clarity is better than yours, my work more intense, and my challenges more profound. And I can use a stance of compassion to avoid standing for something greater, such as “I see both sides and both have merit” when in fact you fear speaking the truth, or being seen.

The inner path of knowing one’s self is the work of Masters. It is the journey that leads one to great compassion, humility and clarity. We are together on this journey! It may start with the inner, alone work, but ultimately we come together in the world as a global community!

Questions for Inner Work

  • Who do I have trouble forgiving and what feelings are attached to this?

  • On what topic(s) am I unable to forgive myself?

  • How can I sit with another in a painful or traumatic situation without judgment? How can I do this without making it about me?

  • How can I hold space for myself to feel what I have been avoiding? For how long can I hold this space?

  • What helps me develop and hold a space of inner peace – even in these troubling times?

Questions for Troubled Times

  • How have I been able to develop humility? To embrace that all life is to be cherished and valued?

  • What clarity has come from my inner work regarding what is happening in the world today? How does that reflect my personal journey?

  • How can I hold compassion for others, even when I see that others are frustrated, struggling, angry or aggressive? How can I see Divine right and wrong? Where do I see the edges of an issue?

  • How can I hold compassion for myself as the world works toward a better balance and I see myself as a part of that?