The Power of Skipping & Cutting the Ties That Bind


Have you seen the videos of people of all ages skipping? I was at lunch with friends (we are all old grandparents), and we discussed the video of the grandchild, the parents, the grandparents - and how funny it was as the grandparents tried unsuccessfully to skip. We wondered if we would be able to skip.

A Playful Experiment

As we were leaving the restaurant, I was the only one that decided to try to skip. I had sandals on, skipped once, and knew if I attempted a second time, I would be on the ground. Not to be deterred, I went home and tried skipping in the privacy of my home without an audience. It took a few tries, but I did start skipping. And it was FUN!

I was watching Ted Lasso and saw the football/soccer team skipping. This got me thinking, why am I so fixated on skipping today? What’s the lesson, the symbology? Well, if you’re a Ted Lasso fan, this is a show about redemption, forgiveness, believing in yourself, looking for the good in others, having fun, and becoming your best self. I realized it was about more than the skipping - it was about becoming the best self you can be.

A Path to Your Best Self

This theme of being the best you can be aligns perfectly with the core essence of our upcoming class - 'Cutting the Ties That Bind' (CTTTB).

CTTTB is a class that Janna has offered for many years. Students learn techniques that can be used often in life. This class is designed to facilitate the emergence of your best self, free from the influences that may be holding you back.

Janna received permission to use this method from Phyllis Krystal. The method uses techniques, rituals, and symbols which are capable of impressing positive messages on the subconscious mind in order to offset some of the negative conditioning that may have been received earlier in life.

The benefits observed include:

  • Improved Relationships — This includes better communication with others and a clearer understanding of personal wants and needs.

  • Enhanced Coping Mechanisms — Participants develop improved skills for handling relationships with others who may be difficult, fostering better boundaries, and gaining the recognition that it's okay to remove toxic people from your life.

Cutting the Ties That Bind

The CTTTB class is held over a 6-week period. This allows time for the participant to process the emotions related to the person or object from whom they are cutting or releasing. There are several different meditations that are used over the 6-week period that help release emotions such as fear and guilt and allow peace and joy to flow back in.

This class is a transformative journey that participants often repeat, each time focusing on a different aspect of their lives. Those who participate learn to relax, have fun, and become the best version of themselves.

The question I pose to you today is this - when was the last time you skipped?

When did you last do something purely for the joy of it? It's high time you tapped into that sense of spontaneous delight and embarked on the journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

Our next CTTTB class begins on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 7 PM CST, running weekly for six weeks. I invite you to take a step (or a skip!) toward your self-discovery journey with us.

Make the choice to start your journey! Learn more by visiting the website or clicking here.

EMS Admin