When Actions in the World are Polarizing: Energy Decisions

I don’t know about you and where you live, but I want a ‘do-over’ on summer! Here in Colorado (western United States) it has been hot (41 days so far over 90 degrees F) and very smokey (and ozone polluted) from the western forest fires and wind currents. I feel like I’ve been stuck inside or wearing an N95 for most of it. So, in a way, with the fall return to Covid protocols and higher numbers of infections, the isolation and separation continues.

This situation breeds fear. All you need to do is look around to see this. People are advocating for or against…whatever! It is very polarizing and serves to isolate and insulate people further. People are being encouraged to ‘dig in’ and protect their positions, and at least some are contemplating violence to protect their position.

Being in a healthcare role (energy medicine private practice) I have been bombarded by this energy for a year and a half. I have had to choose for myself which side of this great divide I am on. I’m going to share my process with you – but please know that I’m NOT telling you what you should do. This is a ‘free will’ planet. I can outlaw a behavior (like stealing, or killing), but I can’t prevent your individual choice. What is important to remember is that there are always consequences to that choice. If not immediate and physical – always energetic.

When I’m faced with making a decision with great polarity around it, like taking an action, I first run it through my own energy.

Then I look at the energy of that action on the greater world. I run it through my own energy because I am an empath and that gives me an emotional understanding of a position’s impact. [The term empath comes from empathy, which is the ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of your own perspective. An empath can sense and feel emotions as if they're part of your own experience. In other words, someone else's pain and happiness become your pain and happiness.]

You can take any polarized or divisive choice/action and use this process to make your own decision. I’m going to use the vaccine, but know you can use others, such as voting freedom, home schooling, government supplied benefits, etc.


To Take the Vaccine (for)

Feels scary and unknown
Insurance against illness/dying
Trust science to say/know it works
Trust medical system for healthy option
Supportive/united approach to health
Expect the best of others/systems
Feels uniting
Feels circular
Is compassionate toward others

To NOT Take the Vaccine (against)

Feels scary and unknown
Protection against poison/toxicity
Distrust science is thorough
Distrust ‘big pharma’
Manipulation of power/freedom
Expect the worst of others/systems
Feels separating
Feels like a ‘line in the sand’ (divisive)
Is exclusionary based upon some ‘value’


As an energy practitioner I work to create the highest function, vibration, and loving expression in myself and toward others.

When I look at individual choice and how it relates to our global choices, I strive to be able to see both where it is my greatest good and where it contributes to the greater good – or contributes to the kind of world I want to be a part of.

I look for the energies of:

  • Cooperation

  • Connection

  • Synergism (making something more than either can create alone)

  • Compassion

And those actions that collectively create or support expressions of a Greater Good (win/win).

I also go a bit further and ask myself, “What kind of world would this action create/support?”

If I look at the column of TO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE, I see that under this energy of ‘fighting the systems (politics, healthcare, science, etc.) for my power/choice’, I see that they are willing to sacrifice themselves, others, and the innocent to make their point (maintain freedom) through a harsh judgement. I see that it isn’t about a greater good – but the individual good, or the good of people LIKE ME (separating). (I’m assuming the facts used align here with actual facts, though they may not.) I also see fear breeding more fear.

On the other hand, if I look at the column TO TAKE THE VACCINE, I see a collective move toward survival and the energy is one of caring – even beyond our borders in helping others to receive it. I see support from experts in the fields of science, medicine, and health to support the greater good (knowledge-based facts and outcomes). I see people working toward compassionate care and I don’t see most using fear to ‘sell’ an action, but a prevention.

Just this week a Christian school (that I can see from my house) fired a loved coach, which led to a walkout by the students because he is gay, openly so online. This was based on the (school’s) belief that if you are not like ‘me/us’, you will be judged to not belong, and in the extreme, to not be good enough, or not be ‘saved’ (chosen). The Christian values I was raised with were claimed (though not always) loving, accepting, supportive of individuals, etc. Didn’t Christ accept the beggars, the prostitutes and the wealthy, and lead by example instead of through judging? When division and judgment rule the day, it is a fear approach and not a love approach.

For me, and I hope for each of you, choices made become universally ones of love, connection, support, fact-based, and for the greater good.

Here’s to healthy days ahead!


Energy Medicine Specialists