Summer Solstice and Independence Day: The Summer of Change

Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

Are You Noticing a New Beginning?

When the summer solstice (June 21) is followed by a full cancer moon and this all lines up with a square in the sky with the midheaven, ascendant, and nodes (astrological stuff) – it is a momentous new beginning! We have been releasing what no longer aligns with our paths – in one way or another – since Spring of 2020. You may still not know exactly what your new path looks like, but trust that it will fall into place and observe the signs presented to you.

What Signs Are You Seeing of Change?

Meditation, intention and honoring the sacred are all beneficial and recommended for assisting you through the remaining shifts.

Intentions you can use. (Feel free to adjust these or write your own)

I receive all that I have ever desired in my soul.

I release any fear or expectations that limit me.

I align my life with my highest expression, easily and effortlessly.

I am grateful for all those that walk with me in support of this journey.

Honoring the sacred:

Create an alter or sacred space where you consciously focus on your highest connection to your spiritual or unseen self. Items for your alter may include:

  • A lovely cloth, one that holds deep meaning or beauty to set the stage for your process and intentions.

  • A candle (battery is fine) that symbolizes bringing light (or enlightenment) in the dark or unseen.

  • Incense or fragrant oil to stimulate cellular focus on the beauty or specialness of the moment.

  • Music that moves (transports) and/or soothes you.

  • Pictures of the things you love to help you create a sacred connection to your heart.

You can also include pictures, statutes or daily cards that connect you with your guides, the angels and Masters, or totem animals that inspire you.

What is the same or different for you this summer?

Early July brings our country’s Independence Day celebration. What does this mean to you? How might you honor YOUR Independence this year from the old ways of being? How do you envision or dream of a world that supports your highest expression?